Reece Gardner: Where there is smoke, there is fire

Reece Gardner: Where there is smoke, there is fire

You've probably heard the expression, "Where there's smoke, there's fire," and smoke seems to linger around the continuing speculation about voter fraud in the 2020 election.

Here are some examples of that:

(1), Georgia Representative Vernon Jones, who will probably be running for Governor next year, has just issued a call for FORENSIC Audits of Georgia's ballots and voting machines. Jones has also called for Ga. Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to resign after revelation that he edited a conversation he had with Trump in an effort to embarrass him publicly;

(2) In Fayette County, Pennsylvania, election officials noticed that the voting machines were rejecting certain ballots. It turned out that those ballots were all Republican;

(3) In Michigan, Attorney Matthew DePerno received several threats against his life after opening an investigation of potential voter fraud in Atrim County. DePerno's law office was broken into on the evening of May 14. Also, he had scheduled a press conference at a VFW Hall in Traverse City on May 17 to discuss possible voter fraud, but a VFW representative called him to cancel that appearance due to death threats being received;

(4) In Mississippi, it was discovered that in one county 78% of the mail-in votes were determined to be fraudulent. In this case Judge Jeff Weill not only called for a new election but also found evidence of fraud in how absentee ballots were handled and how votes were counted;

(5) In Maricopa County, Arizona, a massive audit of the 2020 Election has been underway for weeks now and will likely continue, although that effort is being challenged by some members of the Arizona Election Board and others.

Former USAF LtCol Windy Rogers, who now serves in the Arizona Senate, is vigorously pursuing this investigation and is vowing to continue to do so. Also, Arizona Senate President Karen Fann has raised several concerns with Maricopa County officials, including their apparent failure to follow through on a Legislative Subpoena, and their failure to deal with the chain of custody for ballots cast in the county.

Whether these and other various audits now underway will result in any huge election reversals is doubtful, but one thing seems certain and that is that these efforts WILL undoubtedly put the spotlight on those who might be inclined to cheat in future elections, and will let them know that the OVERWHELMING majority of the people in this Country, without regard to party affiliation, race, creed, color or national origin, want, and are going to insist on, free and fair elections in the future. Anything less than that will not be tolerated!

Now for a little humor:

A mother and baby camel were talking one day, when the baby camel asked, "Mom, why do we have these huge three-toed feet?"

The mother replies, "Well, Son, when we trek across the desert, our toes will help us stay on top of the soft sand."

Two minutes later, the young camel asked, "Mom, why do we have these long eye lashes?"

"They are there to keep the sand out of our eyes on the trips through the desert," the mother said.

"Mom, why have we got these great big humps on our backs?"

"They are there to help us store water for our long treks across the desert ."

"So, we have huge feet to stop us from sinking, long eyelashes to keep the sand out of our eyes, and these huge humps to store water."

"Yes, Dear," said the mother.

"So why are we in the San Diego zoo?"

Have a WONDROUS day!

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