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Taylor Fussell: This is not a final goodbye

Graduating from the best school in the county is bittersweet (I may be slightly biased). From meeting my lifelong friends to learning more about myself than ever before, North Lenoir has given me the best four years of my life.

Although this past year has been different for everyone, I couldn’t have asked for a better senior year. This senior class was resilient and strong. We stayed positive through it all, and here we are, saying our final farewells to the place that taught us everything we need to know about success. Looking back, we had so many memories to cherish for a lifetime.

From cheering on the baseball team to the Eastern Finals in the State Playoffs to going crazy in the student section at basketball games. We cheered the hawks on to many victories through the years. My favorite memory was this past soccer season when my team and I beat South Lenoir in our last game in overtime. I will cherish that one last game forever.

I also will never forget the lessons learned being on the cheer team. I learned everything there is to know about teamwork. We won some and lost some, but mostly won some. This team was untouched and I am so glad I can say I was a part of that.

Although all the fun memories of high school are coming to an end, I have been looking forward to the day I would graduate from the first day of kindergarten, and here we all are, about to turn our tassels. As we all go our separate ways to be the successful young adults we have dreamt of being, we could not have done it without the support of the staff at North Lenoir.

The Class of 2021 thank you for believing in us through it all. North Lenoir, you will always hold a special place in my heart. Thank you for teaching me many life lessons that I will carry with me through my next journey.

This is not a final goodbye but just a see you later to the place that has truly been a second home. The swamp will not be the same without this senior class, but once a hawk, always a hawk. We love you forever North Lenoir and thank you for everything.