FCC Emergency broadband provides funding for local community

FCC Emergency broadband provides funding for local community

Photo owned by Amvia, Unsplash

RALEIGH, JULY 15, 2021 - In mid-May, the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) started the Emergency Broadband Benefit program - a monthly discount for struggling families to access broadband services during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The Emergency Broadband Benefit Program will provide up to $50 a month for broadband services and up to $75 a month if the family is on Tribal Land. Furthermore, eligible households will also be provided with a one-time discount of up to $100 for laptops, desktop computers, or tablets purchased through a participating provider.

The Emergency Broadband Benefit Program is open to households that have previously qualified for existing low-income assistance programs like - Lifeline, Medicaid, SNAP benefits, and free and reduced breakfast and lunches. This program is also open to households who are eligible for Pell grants and to low-income families who have suffered from the COVID-19 pandemic, such as significant loss of income due to job loss since February 29, 2020. 

Qualifying families are encouraged to apply - families that are participants in Lifeline, a similar program to help make communications services more affordable, will need to contact existing providers and opt-in to receive a discount. People who do not participate in Lifeline can apply online(https://www.checklifeline.org/lifeline/?id=nv_flow&ebbp=true) or mail (https://getemergencybroadband.org/_res/documents/EBB_Application_Form_FINAL.pdf) to the Emergency Broadband Support Center, or contact a participating provider directly(https://www.fcc.gov/emergency-broadband-benefit-providers). 

For more information about the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (EBB), please visit:


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