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Reece Gardner: Election audit casts further doubt on 2020 election

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With the release this past Friday of the results of the Maricopa, Arizona, election audit, voting irregularities amounting to hundreds of thousands of votes were uncovered, casting further doubts on the legitimacy of the 2020 Election. Former President Trump issued this response to the Audit: "Arizona Senate hearings on the Maricopa County election audit is devastating news. It seems that 74,243 Mail-In Ballots were counted with no clear record of them being sent."

There were 18,000 voters who were scrubbed from the voter rolls AFTER the election, and the audit also revealed that the voting system itself had been breached. Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers said in a tweet that this hearing "Means that we must decertify the election." According to a news release, the hearing was widely viewed and has attributed to growing accusations that the election was stolen from President Trump. Arizona Secretary of State Candidate Mark Finchem, among many others, said that this audit confirms that the 2020 Presidential Election in Arizona was a sham. The private auditing firm from Cyber Ninjas introduced evidence showing that many ballots contained duplicated serial numbers. Meanwhile, in Georgia, Data analysis done on Georgia's voter rolls reveals that there were enough illegal votes cast in the election to overcome the reported results.

Mark Davis of Data Productions obtained data from the National Change of Address Database which showed that 35,000 people had moved residences within the state outside the grace period before the election. Of those 35,000 so far, 10,300 had already voted in their PREVIOUS polling places, which invalidated their vote and made it illegal. Davis feels certain that the eventual number of illegal votes will far exceed the 12,670 votes by which Biden was said to have won the state. Let's be clear. At this point, none of these actions are likely to produce an election reversal. But it is important to know that what has transpired so far makes it imperative that we figure out what happened so that it doesn't happen again. Also, being able to prove fraud in the race could provide further ammunition that Absentee Ballots need to include ID and signature verification.

Now for a humorous close: An English prisoner of war during WWII was badly wounded. One day the German guard told him, "Your arm is infected with Gangrene. We must cut it off." The English prisoner said, "Okay, but could you drop it over England, when you go bombing?" The guard said that wouldn't be a problem. A few weeks later the German tells the Englishman that they have to cut his other arm off. The Englishman says, "Well, could you drop it over England like you did the last one?" The German said that would be done. The next day the German tells him that they have to cut his leg off. Once again the Brit asks, "Well, could you do the same as before?" The German replied, "OK." The next day the German tells him they have to cut off his other leg. "Well," begins the Brit, could you just..." "NO!", snaps the German. "We think you're trying to escape!! Have a WONDROUS day!

*The views of the columnist are not necessarily the views of Neuse News.

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