F3 of Kinston to host a One-Year Anniversary event
F3 of Kinston will host a One-Year Anniversary event on August 13-14, 2021. F3 Kinston serves the men of Kinston and surrounding areas, who provide free peer-led workouts.
On Friday, August 13, 2021, there will be a tailgate that starts at 4:00 pm at Granger Stadium with food ready by 6:00 pm. F3 asks that guests bring their own beverages. At 7:00 pm there is a Down East Wood Ducks game between the Woodies and their rival Carolina Mudcats.
F3Kinston. Photo: Provided by F3
“I would like everyone to come out and join us this weekend,” said Cliff Rouse, who goes by the F3 name Chestnut. “F3 has meant so much to my personal growth both physically, mentally, and most of all spiritually. My hope is over the next year we share this thing with more men that need it in their lives.”
On Saturday, August 14, 2021, at 7:00 am there will be a king-building activity with both a low impact/injured workout as well as high-intensity boot camps. Following the workouts will be a Chick-Fil-A Coffeeteria where participants can partake in coffee and biscuits. Starting at 9:00 there will be an hour-long mini GrowSchool.
“The men of F3 Kinston are excited about the opportunity to celebrate the acceleration that has occurred within our group over the past 12 months,” said Dr. Jonathan “JT” Tribula who goes by the F3 name Shortstop. “What started originally as one workout a week on a Saturday has grown to 21 different workouts throughout the week and roughly 200 different men have come to at least one workout, with around 45-50 men who attend regularly each week.”
F3Kinston. Photo: Provided by F3
Men interested in joining F3, or participating in the One-Year F3 Anniversary events can find more information at F3Kinston.com.
“F3 has been a phenomenal success in Kinston,” said Stuart L. Stroud, whose F3 name is SOL (Statute of Limitations). “The workouts have made men stronger physically but have also built bonds between men who without F3 would have probably never met. The bonds cross all social, economic, and racial divides and that makes for a more cohesive community. We sweat together, pray together, and help each other no matter what the need. The ultimate purpose of F3 is to stimulate male community leadership and we are well on our way.”