Congressman Ted Budd visits Pink Hill on campaign trail

Congressman Ted Budd visits Pink Hill on campaign trail

Congressman Ted Budd, representing North Carolina’s 13th District, came to Pink Hill to a campaign reception. Budd is running as a candidate for the US Senate.

“I want to be able to serve the state,” said Budd. “I want to be able to serve the veterans in our state. To serve the small business owner.”

Budd serves on the US House Financial Service Committee. He is also on the Consumer Protection and Financial Institutions, Diversity and Inclusion, and Task Force on Artificial Intelligence Subcommittees.

“We have got to get back to the fundamentals in our economy and our society that lead to growth and more opportunities for people,” said Budd.

With an MBA from Wake Forest University and a Masters of Theology and Educational Leadership from Dallas Theological Seminary, Budd resides with his wife Amy in Davie County, NC. They have three children.

Budd is proud of the work he’s done. “Women’s unemployment is the lowest in 50 years,” said Budd. “Minority unemployment is the lowest in recorded history.”

The employment growth was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Budd disagrees with Biden’s administration’s handling of the CARES funds.

“What they need to do is do better management with the funds that were set aside, which have been horribly mismanaged by the administration right now,” said Budd. “This was money set aside to help people with rents. Only a fraction of it has gone out.”

Budd believes that he stands for what most North Carolinians stand for.

“I’m a person of faith and family,” said Budd. “I think that matches most of North Carolina values. Someone who grew up on a farm and understands our state’s biggest industry and that’s agriculture. I think I’m one of the only candidates in the race that has that background.”

Budd is running for a seat in the Senate to replace Senator Richard Burr.

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