Greene County School Board meeting recap — Neuse News
Greene County School Board meeting recap

Greene County School Board meeting recap

The Greene County School Board met on Monday, October 17, in their regular meeting at the Greene County Schools Tech Center. The meeting was called to order by Chairwoman Pat Adams. Board member Teresa Batts was nominated unanimously to serve on the NC School Boards Association Executive Committee.

 Following the nomination of Mrs. Batts, Superintendent Dr. Frank Creech presented the school improvement plans for the 22-23 school year. During his presentation, Dr. Creech informed the board that the low-performing schools in the county would all be operating off a plan that was assembled by principals, directors, and the superintendent’s cabinet. Those schools are West Greene, Greene County Intermediate, and Greene County Middle School. That plan was presented to the board for their review and will be posted next week for public comment. 

Following the explanation of the district level plan, Ms. Adams invited Mr. Emory Smith, Principal of Snow Hill Primary, to present his plan. The big item within his plan was an increased awareness for the community. One of the major targets will be to keep the marquee for the school up to date and find ways to engage the community.

Dr. Patrick Greene then presented the plan for Greene Central. In their plan, the focus was again on family and community engagement.

Greene cited that “Master Teachers are sitting with new teachers or teachers who are nervous or uncomfortable making parent calls. Those Master teachers are going to provide real time feedback and coaching.”

Following Dr. Greene came Mr. Taylor Moore, Principal of the Early College High School. Their plan focused on increasing the number of students who are proficient in Biology and Math 3. They are also working to keep their current status of 100% proficiency on the English 2 exam. 

After Mr. Moore completed his presentation, the board unanimously approved the presented School Improvement plans. Following the school improvement plan discussion, the board voted unanimously to approve those plans. 

Dr. Creech shared with the board that currently the district was finalizing requirements for an architect for the new Greene Central building project. He said he hoped that in the next few weeks they will have that solidified and can put it out for bids. Once the architect is chosen, the board and administration will put together a steering committee to work with the architect. Those are the next steps in the process. 

Following Dr. Creech’s comments, the board entered Closed Session, and the meeting came to an end. 

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