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Letter to Editor: Michelle Cash for school board

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Michelle Cash, candidate for Lenoir County Board of Education, District 1.

As the end of early voting draws near and we move closer toward the May 17th Primary, I wanted to put my feelings down on paper and try to convey in written word what this election means not only for myself but for Lenoir County.

Let me begin by saying that I have followed our local school board for well over 7 years. Please do not think that my interest in the board stems solely from its actions in 2020 until the present day.  

The very first issue that made me take notice of the board was way back in 2015, when the school board and county commissioners had issues where the county budget was concerned. County Commissioners threatened to cut a sizable amount of money from the Board of Education. Parents stood up and the school board got their money. Read that again. Parents stood up. 

Fast forward to 2020 when virtual learning took Lenoir County by storm. Classrooms were silent for 199 days. Playgrounds, libraries and cafeterias were empty for 199 days. Children fell behind and parents had to make hard decisions. State and federal officials bombarded leadership with new policies that changed weekly, if not daily. Educators poured well over the expected hours into their jobs. In my eyes, they are superheros. 

Administration asked parents to fill out a survey and give their feedback. Would we like to send our children to school for in-person education, or would we like to keep our children home and continue virtual learning? The decision was supposed to be ours. We are the parents and surely we know what is best for our children. 

Time and time again, certain members of the board voted with a personal agenda, outside influence, no acknowledgement of parental preference or input, and a blatant disregard for our superintendent and his staff. District 1 had a representative who was mostly silent. 

It was during that time that my family and I made the decision that I would run as a write-in candidate for an at-large seat on the Lenoir County Board of Education. The support I received was beyond my wildest dreams. While the results were not in my favor, it did not extinguish my desire to make a positive change on the Lenoir County Board of Education.

Parents in Lenoir County fought hard to stand up to a board that was making it very obvious that they did not have the best interest of Lenoir County at heart. I am proud to say that I was a part of that group of parents and I would do it all over again if given the opportunity.

And now here we are, just a few short days away from the 2022 Primary in Lenoir County. Change is still needed and parents are still determined to protect their students. Heres where you come in and where your help is needed.


Vote, vote, VOTE! Voter apathy is real, and it is prevalent in Lenoir County. If you are registered to vote, I beg of you to use that privilege and make your voice heard. 

Voting in the 2022 Primary ensures that you’re being heard. It’s no secret that parents of Lenoir County have spoken and want better representation for themselves and their children. In order to make that change happen, you must go to the polls during early voting and especially on May 17th! 

Positive change begins in District 1- my home district. District 1, along with the entire county, has been underserved for too long and that is why I am running again for a seat on the board. I am not afraid to voice my opinion, ask the hard questions or stand up for what is best for our school system. I will not be silent!

What sets me apart from the current District 1 representative? I am a mother who has two children in the school system. I have the perspective to truly know what works and what doesn’t; not only for my family, but for other students as well. I am involved in my community through the Lenoir County Shrine Club and Downtown Kinston Revitalization. My children play sports through Kinston/Lenoir County Parks and Recreation. I attend ball games, awards days, programs, plays and anything else that my children are involved in. I see what parents see. I recognize the hard work and dedication that comes from our educators, principals, and leadership. I am active in ways that do not only entail showing up for a meeting each month, being present for roll call and possibly voting to adjourn the meeting. Most importantly, I am invested.

My biggest fear is not that I will lose this election. My biggest fear is that without change, without YOUR vote, the board will continue to put personal agenda before what is best for our students and that a silent voice will fill the seat for District 1. Our children deserve better and now is the time to make a change. End the silence that encompasses the south side of Lenoir County. 

Change begins in District 1 and it would honor me to be that change. 

Michelle Cash
Deep Run

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