Justin Tilghman: The Path to Purpose – Part 2 – Your Inner Compass

Justin Tilghman: The Path to Purpose – Part 2 – Your Inner Compass

Welcome back to the second installment of our six-month series, "The Path to Purpose." Last month, we delved into the importance of self-discovery and how understanding yourself is the first step toward a more fulfilling life. I hope you found the self-assessment and journaling exercises insightful. This month, we're taking it further by focusing on finding your purpose.

The Importance of Purpose

Purpose is the compass that guides us through life's journey. It gives us direction, fuels our motivation, and provides a sense of meaning. When you know your purpose, you're not just drifting aimlessly but navigating with intention. It's the difference between being a ship lost at sea and a vessel sailing toward a specific destination.

The Intersection of Passion and Contribution

So, how do you find your purpose? One effective approach is to look for the intersection between what you're passionate about and what you can contribute to the world. Your passion lights you up, while your contribution is how you can make a positive impact. When these two elements align, you're not just pursuing a hobby but fulfilling a purpose.

The Role of Values

Your values also play a crucial role in defining your purpose. These principles matter most to you, like honesty, compassion, or freedom. When your actions and decisions align with your values, you're more likely to feel fulfilled and purposeful.

Challenge of the Month

Ready for this month's challenge? Here it is:

  1. Identify Your Passions and Contributions: List things you're passionate about and ways you can contribute to the world. Look for overlaps between the two lists. This overlap could be a clue to your purpose.

  2. Clarify Your Values: Write down your top five values. Reflect on how these values align with your actions and decisions. Are there any discrepancies? If so, think about how you can align them.

  3. Draft a Purpose Statement: Based on your passions, contributions, and values, draft a simple purpose statement. This doesn't have to be perfect; it's just a starting point. Keep it somewhere you can see it daily.

By taking on this challenge, you're actively participating in your journey toward a purposeful life. I'm excited to hear about your discoveries and how they shape your path. Feel free to reach out to me at justin@balancedcc.com

See you next month, where we'll tackle the topic of building self-confidence, a crucial ingredient for living a purposeful life.

Here’s to a more purposeful life,


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