No stone unturned

No stone unturned

"To leave no stone unturned" is an idiom many have heard.  It means to do everything possible to find something or to find a solution to a problem. This saying rightly describes GEC math teacher Heather Davis; she is constantly seeking funding to enhance student’s learning experience at GEC.

Historically GEC has an educational field trip each spring. It is open to all grade levels.  These trips are organized by Mrs. Davis.  However, the pandemic halted all trips until spring 2023.  This year’s trip(spring 2024) is a special trip to Washington, DC.  Students are allowed to pay for the trip  on an installment plan throughout the year.

But with the rising costs of transportation, the added costs have hindered some students from planning to go. But Mrs. Davis would not be outdone as she sought ways to make this trip available to as many students as possible  Seeking outside funding sources, she applied for a Go Outside ‘GO’ Grant through North Carolina Youth Outdoor Engagement Commission.  The funding provides North Carolina’s students opportunities for outdoor experiences and to learn by doing. North Carolina educators are encouraged to apply for grant funding for outdoor field trips, visiting programs, and educational structures.  

She was awarded a $5000 grant; this is the maximum the grant will allow for a field trip.  She excitedly received the call from NC House of Representative Chris Humphrey with the good news.  The monies from this grant will help defray the transportation costs for the students. 

However, this is not Mrs. Davis’ first success with grants this year. Earlier this year she received a $4500 grant from Dick’s Sporting Goods and another from “Leveling the Playing Field”.  Both grants were used to secure athletic equipment for GEC.

Thank you, Mrs. Davis, for always being vigilance to opportunities to enhance the educational experiences for GEC students.

Mrs. Heather Davis, along with her regular teaching duties in Math, constantly seeks funding for field trips for GEC students. 

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