Dr. Joseph (Joe) Askew eyes city council seat with vision for a united Kinston

Dr. Joseph (Joe) Askew eyes city council seat with vision for a united Kinston

KINSTON, NC — Dr. Joseph (Joe) Askew, an Adkin High School alumnus, has announced his intention to run for Kinston City Council. His background in public service, education, and legal sectors uniquely positions him as a candidate with comprehensive experience.

A graduate of Winston Salem University, Askew served as the President of his Freshman and Sophomore class and continued to engage in student governance throughout his undergraduate years. Furthering his education, Askew pursued graduate studies in Public Administration at the University of Detroit, then moved on to obtain a Law Degree from North Carolina Central School of Law on a full scholarship.

In discussing his motivations for running, Dr. Askew expressed a desire for change, stating, "I want to change the way the seating Council thinks and the concerns of the total Community especially matters that affect the Black Community as well the White Community."

One of his flagship initiatives includes the establishment of a boys club, aimed at providing guidance and mentorship.

"I have a boys club that will help all of us to keep them out of jail and become responsible citizens. More role models and mentors will be established under my leadership," he shared.

Infrastructure remains at the forefront of Dr. Askew's agenda, emphasizing the need for improved roads, schools, and health facilities. He is particularly interested in programs to aid all children in receiving a better education.

Addressing the quality of education in Lenoir, Dr. Askew highlighted the importance of augmenting educational support.

"More tutorial persons and places as well as after-school projects and programs," he proposed.

In terms of economic growth, he mentioned the strategy to, "Meet with local state and federal government officials. Use all media to attract others all over the United States."

Public safety is an area Dr. Askew sees a need for improvement, suggesting the need to "update equipment and hire more employees."

Environmental consciousness remains a priority, with plans to tackle related issues through upgraded equipment and the recruitment of more personnel.

With a nod to the importance of public trust, Dr. Askew shared his foundational belief, saying, "Trust in God. Public officials have to answer to God in carrying out their office. I would put God first and provide a forum for all who wish to express their opinion."

Dr. Askew concluded his remarks by emphasizing unity within the community, "Kinston is a city that is controlled by a few in power, not the majority. We need to elect people who will be more concerned and vote for things that black people want as well as what white people want. We need things that will keep our children out of trouble, not bigger jails but a better environment and education."

For all Lenoir and Greene Counties election coverage, join Neuse News Election night Results Show presented by Brooks Poole, Realtor at 7:30pm on November 7, 2023.

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