Dedicated Educator, Lilibeth Galue, Shares Insights on Teaching and Community Impact

Dedicated Educator, Lilibeth Galue, Shares Insights on Teaching and Community Impact

Greene Central High School is shining a spotlight on one of its outstanding educators, Lilibeth Galue, who brings 24 years of teaching experience to the classroom, marking her 10th year in America. Galue serves as a class teacher for Spanish, catering to both native and non-native speakers, and ESL, while also contributing as the Juntos coordinator for the third consecutive year.

Galue, when asked about her teaching philosophy, emphasized, “Teaching from the heart and not from the book!” She traces her passion for education back to her early years, stating, “I knew since I was in 9th grade that I wanted to be a teacher. It was my calling, although my father initially opposed the idea.”

Reflecting on her motivation, Galue shared, “My first job was as a preschool teacher for one year, and then I transitioned to a high school while living in Venezuela.”

This year, Galue has focused on creating a welcoming environment for newcomers, acknowledging their challenges in adjusting to a new county. She sees these students as her own, drawing parallels to her own experience when she moved to the country with her child many years ago. Galue is actively involved in the growth of the Juntos program, providing essential support to the community that mirrors her own background.

When asked about her favorite aspect of being a teacher, Galue expressed, “Being able to show students examples of things they can do. My biggest lesson that I feel like I want to teach my students is go see the world by yourself. Don't wait for anybody to tell you about the world.”

Lilibeth Galue stands as a dedicated educator at Greene Central High School, bringing passion, experience, and a commitment to fostering an inclusive and supportive learning environment. As the school acknowledges the outstanding contributions of its educators, Galue's commitment to teaching from the heart serves as an inspiration to both colleagues and students alike.

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