Jones County: Information concerning a System Pressure Advisory for Green Road

Jones County: Information concerning a System Pressure Advisory for Green Road

The water consumers of Jones County regional water System, on Green Road in Jones County will be experiencing periods of low pressure and outages in the distribution system starting on February 21st due to waterline construction.

Periods of low or no pressure in the distribution system increases the potential for back siphonage and introduction of bacteria into the water system.

Therefore, when water service is restored consumers are advised to boil all water used for human consumption (including drinking, making ice, brushing teeth, washing dishes and food preparation) or use bottled water.

Vigorous boiling for one (1) miute should kill any disease-causing organism that may be present in the water.

Water customers are strongly urged to conserve water whenever possible. This advisory remains in effect until further written notification is issued.

This advisory issued on 2/20/2023 by Garith Harvell, Supervisor Jones County Regional Water System.

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