Linda Rouse Sutton: The woman behind the positive change in Lenoir County

Linda Rouse Sutton: The woman behind the positive change in Lenoir County

Linda Rouse Sutton is a woman who has made significant contributions to Lenoir County. As the Lenoir County Commissioner Chair, Sutton has taken on numerous leadership roles and has played an essential part in positive changes in the community.

Sutton's journey to becoming an influential figure in Lenoir County began during her childhood years. She participated in 4-H leadership projects and public speaking, honing her skills even more while attending South Lenoir High School. Sutton's leadership skills continued to develop as she became involved in many civic and community organizations, as well as taking on leadership roles in her church. Eventually, Sutton got involved with the Cooperative Extension Service and was invited to attend a week-long, intense training course that led her to run for the school board.

When asked what inspired her to take on a leadership role and make a positive impact in Lenoir County, Sutton recounts a personal experience.

“My daughter was in a kindergarten class where it was 91 degrees at 11 am,” said Sutton. “There was no air conditioning. She would come home and take a two-hour nap because she was totally drained.”

Sutton and a friend worked tirelessly for ten long years to get the schools air-conditioned. In the process, they started a county-wide PTA organization that became successful in advocating for the children's needs. Sutton later ran for the school board and was elected, allowing her to make a more significant impact on the education system.

Sutton has faced numerous challenges.

“A female always has to prove herself first before even beginning to become effective,” said Sutton. “Some are very receptive, and others believe women have no place in politics.”

Sutton has overcome these obstacles by becoming as educated as possible on any subject they had to vote on. She took classes through the UNC School of Government and learned a great deal about the school system by visiting schools and talking with teachers, students, central office personnel, and other seasoned board members. Sutton also listens to the viewpoints of others, even if they differ from hers, and is willing to compromise to meet the needs of those she serves.

Collaboration has been key in bringing about positive change in Lenoir County, and Sutton has worked closely with numerous groups, including the school system, community college, cooperative extension, fire departments, and citizens.

She believes that the most pressing issues facing Lenoir County are the lack of revenues in a poor Tier 1 county, and the need for improved infrastructure to entice more businesses to come to the area.

“We must continue to develop and improve our infrastructure in order to entice more business to come to Lenoir County,” said Sutton. “We already need at least one shell building which entices companies to come here to check us out.”

Despite her busy schedule, Sutton has managed to balance her community involvement with personal and professional responsibilities. She stays organized, using her calendar as her second most important tool after her Bible. Linda has come to realize that she cannot attend every event, and that family and God always come first.

Linda Rouse Sutton has been making a difference in Lenoir County for many years, and her leadership and commitment to positive change continue to inspire those around her.

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