9th Annual Stew & Brew Supports G.I. Joe's Military Living History Museum — Neuse News
9th Annual Stew & Brew Supports G.I. Joe's Military Living History Museum

9th Annual Stew & Brew Supports G.I. Joe's Military Living History Museum

On Saturday March 11th, the 9th Annual Stew & Beer will take place in the Mother Earth Brewery rear parking lot. The annual events support the G.I. Joe's Military Living History Museum by donating 100% of the proceeds from the event allows the museum to provide funds to the arts and writing program. The event includes unlimited fish stew samples and one beer for $10. The event is a competition for teams to win prizes for the best fish stew.

One of the members of the GI Joe’s Military Living Museum, Carol Cantu says “we appreciate all the support the community has given us, even people who do not like fish stew still come to the event to show their support.”

The Stew & Beer is a one-of-a-kind event as they direct the teams to cook fish only stew to increase the ability for everyone to enjoy the stew especially of individuals who have allergies.

During last year’s competition, The People’s Choice award for the best fish stew was George Griffin who will be defending his title this year. The GI Joe’s Military Living Museum encourages all fish stew advocates to enter the competition as winners will receive cash or prizes.

Cantu also mentioned that “we need sponsors for the event, if you cannot contribute for this event, we have sponsorship needs year-round, so don’t hesitate to see our website for more information.

The Stew & Brew event will be from 11am-2pm in the rear parking of the Mother Earth Brewery and each person will be charged $10 for unlimited samples and one beer. If you want to participate as a cook or sponsor, please contact Eric Cantu.

Eric Cantu is a Vietnam veteran being a member of the US Army in 1965. Eric is also founder of Kinston's G.I. Joe’s Living History Museum a non-profit organization that represents the military faction of all of Eastern North Carolina.

GI Joe’s Military Living Museum Information:

Website: https://www.salute-gijoes.org/

Point of Contact: Eric Cantu - cantuveteran@yahoo.com


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