Logan Mozingo Initiated into Omicron Delta Kappa

Logan Mozingo Initiated into Omicron Delta Kappa

LEXINGTON, VA (05/15/2023)-- Logan Mozingo, a native of Kinston, was recently initiated into the East Carolina University Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa, the National Leadership Honor Society. The Society welcomed 1,869 new initiates from 78 universities during April 2023.

Students initiated into the Society must be sophomores, juniors, seniors, or graduate/professional students in the top 35% of their class, demonstrate leadership experience in at least one of the five pillars, and embrace the ODK ideals. Fewer than five percent of students on a campus are invited to join each year.

Omicron Delta Kappa Society, the National Leadership Honor Society, was founded in Lexington, Virginia, on December 3, 1914. A group of 15 students and faculty members established the Society to recognize and encourage leadership at the collegiate level. The founders established the ODK Idea-the concept that individuals representing all phases of collegiate life should collaborate with faculty and others to support the campus and community. ODK's mission is to honor and develop leaders; encourage collaboration among students, faculty, staff, and alumni; and promote ODK's leadership values of collaboration, inclusivity, integrity, scholarship, and service on college and university campuses throughout North America. The Society's national headquarters are located in Lexington, Virginia.

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