Evelyn Dove Coleman: An Aging Sector — Neuse News
Evelyn Dove Coleman: An Aging Sector

Evelyn Dove Coleman: An Aging Sector

Several of my friends and my cousin have birthdays in the first week of March. I won't say their ages, but we are all considered "seniors."  I know when I celebrated my birthday in January, I changed the number on one of my greeting cards to "30ish."  It made everyone at dinner laugh.

But aging is no laughing matter. Nearly everyone I know is dealing with some form of body ache or health challenge. Knee replacements, hip replacements, bursitis and arthritis are common complaints among the aging. Memory loss, heart murmurs, and cancer treatments have been reported by some of my former school mates and colleagues. Such concerns used to belong to our parents' generation. Now we are they.

I so admire people in our age group and those a little more senior who go to the gym or do their 10,000 steps daily. We are doing our part to help our bodies stay in good working order and also give our minds a boost of dopamine. Dopamine is the hormone that motivates us to do something when we feel pleasure. To increase dopamine, get enough sleep, listen to music, eat healthy foods, exercise or dance, practice deep breathing, and minimize stress. 

To all who are celebrating birthdays and to anyone who is considered a senior, here's to aging well and enjoying all the wisdom we've gained through each decade of living.

Evelyn established PathChoice Ministry in 1992 and she can be reached at EvDove03@yahoo.com or pathchoicepastoralcounseling.weebly.com.

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