Caroline Lafone: Dear Class of 2024

Caroline Lafone: Dear Class of 2024

Dear Class of 2024, 

As we approach graduation, it's truly remarkable to reflect on the journey we've shared. For about 18 years, with 13 school years, we’ve grown up together in this small dot on the map in Eastern North Carolina. From our first days as wide-eyed kindergarteners to our final days as high school seniors, we've experienced it all side by side. 

When many people think of small towns in Eastern North Carolina, they often imagine a place with little to offer—a tiny town with nothing to do. But to us, it's the place that shaped us. It's where our parents brought us home from the hospital, where we attended preschool, and where we had our first day of kindergarten. It's where we enjoyed field days, school plays, and birthday parties, celebrated our 5th-grade graduation, danced at the 8th-grade social, and nervously stepped into high school for the first time. It's where we shared lunches in the cafeteria with the same familiar faces, cheered at games, and now, it's where we stand together, ready to graduate. 

Throughout these years, we’ve been surrounded by the love and support of our families and teachers. Our parents and guardians have been our biggest cheerleaders, celebrating our successes and comforting us in times of need. Our teachers have not only shared knowledge but also life lessons that will stay with us forever. These relationships and experiences have given us a strong foundation. 

When we see each other in the future, we'll still see that kindergartener on the playground, the middle schooler navigating new challenges, and the high schooler finding their way. These shared experiences connect us in a way that time and distance can never erase. 

No matter where life takes us, whether to busy cities, college campuses, serving our country, or even staying home after high school, let's carry a piece of our small town with us. This town has more heart and comfort than any place in the world. It has taught us the value of knowing our neighbors, the strength of being part of a supportive community, and the importance of staying true to our roots. Let’s remember the friendships, the lessons, and the sense of comfort that our little dot on the map has given us. This place has shaped who we are, and it will always be a part of us, connecting us all. 

So, Class of 2024, as we step into the future, let’s hold on to the memories and values we've made here. Let’s make our mark on the world, but always remember where our story began.

No matter what we end up doing we will all be connected because of where we came from. 

Congratulations to us all, and here’s to the journey ahead!


With much love,

Caroline Lafone

North Lenoir High School Class of 2024

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