Kinston City Manager Proposed FY 2024-2025 Budget

Kinston City Manager Proposed FY 2024-2025 Budget

City Manager Rhonda Barwick has submitted the proposed Fiscal Year 2024-2025 budget to the Kinston City Council. The balanced budget, amounting to $120,803,423, does not require an increase in the property tax rate or the use of fund balance.

The City of Kinston’s strategic planning goals for FY 2023-2028 focus on reducing violent crime, creating a cleaner and healthier community, improving housing and transportation, and building community relationships.

Budget Overview:

The proposed budget covers all operating funds, including the General Fund, Enterprise Funds, and Internal Service Funds. Significant allocations include $29,405,421 for General Operating, $50,315,589 for Electric Operations, and $11,289,745 for Water Operations.

Employee Compensation:

To remain competitive, the budget includes a 3% cost of living adjustment (COLA) for all full-time employees, effective July 1, 2024. Additionally, police officers will receive a salary adjustment to address recruitment and retention challenges. The starting salary for police officers will increase to $49,456 by not funding eight unfilled positions within the department.

Departmental Changes:

The budget proposes several staffing adjustments, including reclassifying the Accounting Coordinator position to part-time and adding a technician in Water Production. A full-time Basic Law Enforcement Trainee position will be moved to part-time.

Key Investments:

  • Electric Fund: The budget includes a $2.3 million return on investment to the General Fund, meeting Local Government Commission requirements. Funds are also set aside for Rate Stabilization and Electric Capital Reserves.

  • Road Resurfacing: $655,400 is allocated for resurfacing city streets, and $50,000 is included for Hardee Road rehabilitation.

  • Municipal Code Update: $3,400 is allocated to update the Municipal Code of Ordinances.

  • Eastern Carolina Council of Governments: $7,900 is included for membership.

  • Building Demolition: The Planning Department budget includes $64,000 for building demolition and $20,000 for a Comprehensive Land Use Plan update.

  • Recreation: The budget includes $32,000 for bleacher replacements at Holloway Center and Fairfield Center, $37,000 for a metal roof at Georgia K. Battle Center, and $50,000 for a Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan update.

  • Police and Fire Departments: $21,400 is allocated for 10 in-dash cameras for police vehicles, and $10,000 is included to meet new OSHA safety and fitness standards in the Fire Department.

  • Animal Control Services: $212,000 is allocated to support the agreement with Lenoir County.

Environmental Service Fees:

Due to increased landfill charges, environmental service fees will rise by 12%.

Public Inspection and Hearing:

The recommended budget is available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office and on the City’s website. A public hearing was held at the June 4, 2024, City Council meeting. The council will vote on the budget at the next meeting held on June 18th.

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