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Jones County Receives America 250 NC Grant

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Trenton, N.C. – Jones County has received a $10,000 grant from North Carolina’s America  250 NC initiative for a project to commemorate the nation’s 250th anniversary in 2026. 

America 250 NC is North Carolina’s commemoration of the United States’ 250th anniversary  and is led by the N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. 

The county will use the American 250 NC Grant to create historical/educational signs outlining the creation of Jones County in 1779, during the Revolutionary War. The  educational signage will outline why the county was formed, who it was named after, and  the demographics of Jones County in 1779. The signs are planned to be located on the  grounds of the Jones County Courthouse, in Trenton. 

“We are excited that we have received this grant,” stated Jones County Manager Kyle Smith.  “So many of us know little of our history, our founding, why we were named after Willie  Jones,” he added. “This project will bring our history to life.” 

The N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources’ America 250 NC initiative recently dispersed nearly $900,000 in grant funds across 34 counties in the state. The grant  program is designed to spark commemoration programs and activities on a local level.  

“These America 250 grants will serve as catalysts for local participation in the nationwide  commemoration of our nation’s founding,” said DNCR Secretary Reid Wilson. “We look  forward to working with communities across the state to build a memorable and  meaningful celebration for all North Carolinians.” 

For more information about America 250 NC, visit

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