Weekly Addiction Recovery Meeting at Jackson Heights OFWB Church

Weekly Addiction Recovery Meeting at Jackson Heights OFWB Church

For much of my life I battled addictions. Drug and alcohol abuse led me to some extremely dark places. Looking back, I’m grateful that there were some good Christian people that helped me when I was at my lowest. 

If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, I want you to know that there are good Christian people in Lenoir County that want to help. This is why our addiction recovery ministry at Jackson Heights OFWB Church exists. 

Our ministry is called L.I.V.E. which is an acronym for “live in victory every day.” We help folks get into detox and faith based residential recovery programs FREE OF CHARGE. We’ve assisted 112 people over the last seven years. There is help available. 

In addition to this, we will start back holding addiction recovery support meetings this month. The meetings will be held every Tuesday night at 7:00PM. There will be a meal served at the start of every meeting. If you or a loved one are battling any kind of addiction, we’d love for you to join us. 

If you have any questions or you are seeking help, you can reach me at jacksonheightspastor@gmail.com

Rev. Justin Barnett, Lead Pastor
Jackson Heights OFWB Church
285 Camellia St. 
Kinston, NC 28504

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