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Lenoir County deputies recognized for traffic safety enforcement efforts

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Lenoir County Sheriff Jackie Rogers would like to recognize the deputies who were awarded certificates of recognition in January for their performance in the Governor’s Highway Safety Program (GHSP) Statewide Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP).

Lenoir County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Na’eem Whitfield and Deputy Nathan Stephens were presented certificates of recognition for their diligent efforts, dedication and vigilance through proactive traffic enforcement in the GHSP STEP, supporting North Carolina’s Vision Zero Initiative to reduce highway fatalities.

Their efforts through enforcement of dangerous driving and impaired driving violations locally assist in the GHSP-dedicated efforts to reduce the number of traffic crashes and fatalities in North Carolina.

Region Two of the GHSP provided two Alco-Sensor Portable Breath Testing devices to Whitfield and Stephens to assist in their continued efforts with impaired driving enforcement.

The LCSO appreciates the partnership that GHSP has provided in keeping Lenoir County roadways safe for drivers.

From left, Lenoir County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Tyler Richards, Sgt. Jothan Nesselrotte, Sheriff Jackie Rogers, Deputy Na’eem Whitfield, Lt. Will Barrett and Sgt. Chris Little.

From left, Lenoir County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. Alfonso Rodriguez, Sheriff Jackie Rogers, Deputy Nathan Stephens and Lt. Thomas Stanley.

Lenoir County Sheriff Jackie Rogers, left, and Deputy Na’eem Whitfield.

Lenoir County Sheriff Jackie Rogers, left, and Deputy Nathan Stephens.

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