Marine Corps Veteran Joshua Eing Eyes Pink Hill Commissioner Seat in Upcoming 2023 Election

Marine Corps Veteran Joshua Eing Eyes Pink Hill Commissioner Seat in Upcoming 2023 Election

Pink Hill, NC - Joshua Eing, a Marine Corps veteran with a decade of service, has announced his candidacy for the Pink Hill Commissioner position in Lenoir County's 2023 municipal elections. Eing is not the incumbent but aims to bring a fresh perspective and lifetime dedication to service to the role.

Eing served in the Marine Corps from 2008-2018, during which he was deployed to Afghanistan and participated in a Unit Deployment Program to Okinawa, Japan. He subsequently earned an Associate of Arts degree from James Sprunt Community College and a Bachelor's in Business Administration from East Carolina University.

"What sets me apart from others is my lifelong commitment to service—something that I will never take lightly," Eing said. "As commissioner, I will continue to honor my oath to the citizens of Pink Hill and our nation."

When it comes to local infrastructure, Eing said he would focus on recreation for families. "I will prioritize the needs of Pink Hill residents and work on improving and promoting what the Town offers," Eing stated.

He emphasized the need to collaborate with citizens, local organizations, and town officials to deliver solutions, especially in maintaining a welcoming environment for qualified individuals managing the town's infrastructure.

On the educational front, Eing pointed out that Pink Hill is home to the "greatest elementary school in the State of North Carolina," and he encouraged residents to engage with the Pink Hill Public Library and the Wellness and Educational Center to support and grow community involvement and education.

Discussing job opportunities and economic growth, Eing pledged to work closely with local businesses to provide them with the resources they need, emphasizing that local government should be "as less a burden as possible for job growth and opportunity."

Regarding public safety, Eing complimented Pink Hill's volunteer fire department and police officers, suggesting that their "tireless efforts and strong community connection" will maintain the town as a safe community.

Eing also touched on environmental sustainability, encouraging residents to take simple steps like picking up trash and helping neighbors maintain their yards to improve the town's overall cleanliness.

He also emphasized the importance of transparency and effective communication for building public trust. "Should a resident of Pink Hill have a question regarding how I conduct myself as a Commissioner and the decisions I make, I will never turn them away," he said.

With a background in logistics and management and a commitment to service, Eing hopes to bring collaborative solutions to the Pink Hill community if elected.

For all Lenoir and Greene Counties election coverage, join Neuse News Election night Results Show presented by Brooks Poole, Realtor at 7:30pm on November 7, 2023.

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