All tagged Don Hardy

Local officials respond to Cooper's request for civil penalties

“What the governor is seeking to do is conniving and dangerous to everyone in the state who cherishes their freedoms and balance of government,” said Lenoir County Commissioner Eric Rouse. “Under the veil of public health, he is trying to expand his powers into areas of government that he would not otherwise be permitted to or have authority over.”

“We will be following the order for sure and talking to individuals that could be in violation. We will be warning individuals who are not following the order and if they continue, we will follow up with the enforcement action. Everyone must do their part,” said City of Kinston Mayor Don Hardy.

Kinston City Council creates two additional paid holidays, "not costing the city any extra money"

The Kinston City Council passed two motions on Monday evening declaring two additional paid holidays for city staff. The first motion makes General Election Day a paid holiday, falling this year on Tuesday, November 3. The second motion creates Juneteenth as a paid city holiday backdating to June 19, 2020.

Councilmember Sammy Aiken said, “For the public’s information, this is not costing the city any extra money.” Then he followed up with the question, “Is that correct?”

“That’s correct, Mr. Aikens,” said Mayor Don Hardy.