All tagged contentnea-savannah k-8 school
The emotions went from nervousness to shock to satisfaction for two Contentnea-Savannah K-8 School students who vied for – and won – top regional awards in the Junior Youth of the Year competition conducted by the Boys &Girls Clubs of the Coastal Plain.
Darylanne Towery, a third-grade teacher at Contentnea-Savannah K-8 School and LCPS’s 2021-2022 Teacher of the Year, has been chosen to serve on North Carolina’s new Teacher Leadership Council, one of 30 teachers statewide selected in the council’s inaugural cohort.
The Battle of the Books team from Contentnea-Savannah K-8 School had been there before, so when the middle schoolers found themselves trailing after the first round of last week’s competition, they didn’t panic. They staged a rally.