All tagged help wanted

Help Wanted: Biology Instructor

 Lenoir Community College is a comprehensive institution that places primary emphasis on excellence in classroom instruction. The Biology Instructor is responsible for providing quality and engaging instruction to LCC students through the use of seated and online courses, and through creative biology labs as needed to promote successful completion of degree requirements.

Help Wanted: Staff Assistant – Admissions/Career and College Promise

The Career and College Promise Admissions Staff Assistant provides support for all aspects of the Career & College Promise Program from application through enrollment, and reports to the Director of Admissions and Recruiting. The CCP Admissions Staff Assistant also assists with program and event implementation as it relates to the population served by the Director of High School Programs and College Access.

Help Wanted: Staff Assistant – Admissions/Career and College Promise

The Career and College Promise Admissions Staff Assistant provides support for all aspects of the Career & College Promise Program from application through enrollment, and reports to the Director of Admissions and Recruiting. The CCP Admissions Staff Assistant also assists with program and event implementation as it relates to the population served by the Director of High School Programs and College Access.