All tagged jane phillips

Jane Phillips: Kinston’s Bleak December of 1862

At the beginning of the Civil War Kinston was a sedate little town with its churches and industrious people. After the war was declared, Confederate soldiers began to occupy Kinston, change was in the air as military training camps sprung up around the county. First, soldiers came by the hundreds and then the thousands.

Wyse Fork Battlefield preservation needs your support

The Wyse Fork Battlefield is endangered because of planned highway construction. The NC Depart of Transportation wants to run the new highway 70 bypass with interchange through the heart of the battlefield where the heat of the battle took place. There is another route that could be used that is much cheaper and .2 mile shorter. Please help support a change in the route and the preservation of the Wyse Fork Battlefield.

Jane Phillips: Kinston and the Spanish Flu pandemic - 1918-1919

I’ve read that 1918 was one of the worst years throughout recorded history. The First World War was raging in Europe while an unseen enemy, the Spanish Flu, was spreading across the earth. The illness began in the spring and seemed to subside during the summer months. It lasted until late 1919 and consisted of “waves” of varying intensity.

The first victim of the Spanish Flu Pandemic I have found in Kinston was in late summer 1918. The victim was State Sen. William Durward Pollock. In October the height of the Spanish Flu Pandemic was in full swing in Kinston. Three died that first week. There were some days when 15 to 20 victims died.

Jane Phillips: Man from Alaska visits site of ancestors capture on Wyse Fork battlefield

I answered the phone and it was Wilbur King on the other end. He had a gentleman in the restaurant that was from Alaska and was visiting Kinston because his great grandfather had been in the battle of Wyse Fork (on the eastern side of Lenoir County) and he had come to Kinston to see where his ancestor had fought in the Civil War. Wilbur told me the man was interested in purchasing a set of maps of the Wyse Fork Battlefield.