All tagged leon steele

Downtown board approves $25,000 for Façade Grants program

The Downtown Kinston Revitalization Board approved $25,000 in funds at its August meeting to support the Building Improvement Façade Grant. This matching grant program is designed to assist property owners within the Municipal Service District (MSD) in making improvements to the exterior of their buildings, encouraging investment and maintaining the appearance of the downtown area.

Downtown Kinston Revitalization recognized as 2021 Main Street America Affiliate

Downtown Kinston Revitalization has been designated as an affiliate Main Street™ program. Each year, Main Street America and its partners announce the list of nationally recognized affiliate programs in recognition of their commitment to creating meaningful improvements in their downtowns and commercial districts using the Main Street Approach™, a framework for preservation-based economic development and community revitalization.

South Queen Street project begins adding lights on the bridges

The evolution of the South Queen Street Bridge has the beginnings of a new addition. Light fixtures are in the works for both sets of bridges. The larger section of the bridge over the Neuse River will have six light poles, and the smaller section over land will have four. Adding the lights to the bridge will bring the six-year project to fruition after DOT approached the city of Kinston to schedule a resurfacing of Queen Street. The city used that opportunity to replace the water and sewer lines on Queen Street as well as incorporate new landscaping.