All tagged patriotism

Kristy Kelly: We broke our vows to never forget

As I scrolled through Facebook, the “Never Forget” memes that are ever-present in the month of September fill my feed with sad reminders of a day that devastated our nation. Everyone from every walk of life in our country who was alive on September 11, 2001, can remember what they were doing when they learned about the horrific events that transpired on that day. 

Jonathan Hoover: Theological Patriotism

Over the last few years I have become increasingly patriotic, but I have struggled with how Christians should publicly display their patriotism given the divisive nature of our culture. For many years I wanted to separate my patriotism from my Christian faith as if they were two completely different belief systems. In one sense that is obviously true, but I will argue here that American patriotism is tied to Christian theology.