The following businesses were registered with the North Carolina Secretary of State:
All tagged pink hill
The following businesses were registered with the North Carolina Secretary of State:
The following is a list of people who have recently passed away in Lenoir County:
The following land transfer were filed with the Lenoir County Register of Deeds:
The following restaurant inspections were conducted by the Lenoir County Health Department:
The following is a list of people who have recently passed away:
The following land transfers were filed with the Lenoir County Register of Deeds:
A 15-year-old from Duplin County led Lenoir County Sheriff’s Office deputies on a high-speed chase that wound from N.C. 11 in Pink Hill onto U.S. 70 West and ended in Barnet Park in Kinston on Thursday.
The Town of Pink Hill, with assistance from the North Carolina Rural Water Association, is in the process of updating its Wellhead Protection Plan. This is a voluntary program intended to assist in protecting the Town’s water supply from contamination, and to identify vulnerable areas around our wells called "Wellhead Protection Area(s)."
The following inspections were conducted by the Lenoir County Health Department:
The following land transfers were filed with the Lenoir County Register of Deeds:
The following is a list of Lenoir County residents who have recently passed away:
The following is a list of people who have recently passed away in Lenoir County:
The following land transfers were reported by the Lenoir County Register of Deeds:
The following businesses were registered with the North Carolina Secretary of State: