All tagged recovery court
After serving 22 years as a judge, Beth Heath is stepping down from the bench. Her next chapter, however, continues her lifelong dedication to helping communities in need. Heath, who has been an advocate for recovery and mental health services, plans to focus her efforts on expanding resources in Lenoir and Greene counties through the Recovery Together ENC coalition.
Recovery Court has donated 23 extra-large medication lock boxes to Raising Awareness for the Developmentally Disabled (RADD) to help prevent unintended overdoses in the community. The lock boxes are part of an outreach initiative aimed at improving medication safety in Wayne, Lenoir, and Greene counties.
On Friday, the 9th Judicial District Accountability and Recovery Court program, covering Greene, Lenoir and Wayne Counties, celebrated its courts and 12 new recovery court graduates with a breakfast and graduation program at the La Grange Community Center.
Ryan S. Boyce, Director of the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts, recently made a visit to the Recovery Court presided over by Judge Beth Heath in Lenoir County. Recovery Courts aim to assist individuals with court-ordered treatment plans related to chemical dependence.
Lenoir, Wayne, and Greene Counties, North Carolina (October 20, 2022) - Rural community leaders from all over the United States traveled to Lenoir, Wayne, and Greene Counties this week to learn how to improve justice systems in their own communities. “It’s a real testament to our communities’ partnerships and creative problem-solving abilities that others want to learn from us,” said District 8 Court Judge Elizabeth Heath.