When, officially, Lenoir County Public School students get the day off Friday – a teacher workday – nearly 300 of them will be up to their safety goggles in science learning. They’re competitors in LCPS’s annual Elementary Science Olympiad.
All tagged science olympiad
When, officially, Lenoir County Public School students get the day off Friday – a teacher workday – nearly 300 of them will be up to their safety goggles in science learning. They’re competitors in LCPS’s annual Elementary Science Olympiad.
Impressive results in regional competition have propelled 49 LCPS students on to the state Science Fair and the state Science Olympiad.
A single point added up to a first-time win on Friday for the team from Moss Hill Elementary School, champions of the 2023 LCPS Elementary Science Olympiad.
The team from Pink Hill Elementary School finished no lower than third in 14 of the 19 events in the 2022 LCPS Elementary Science Olympiad on Friday to win its third title in the six years of the district-wide tournament.
More than a hundred Lenoir County Public School elementary students launched rockets, cracked codes, analyzed compounds, categorized fossils and competed in other contests that made science the focus of their day during the fourth annual LCPS Elementary Science Olympiad on Monday.
Coleman Taylor of Pink Hill Elementary School explains his science project on gear ratios to LCPS administrator Melissa Lynch during the district’s annual Science Showcase.
Science Olympiad teams from five LCPS schools have received scholarships from North Carolina Science Olympiad to compete in upcoming county and regional tournaments.
A pair of Arendell Parrott Academy students won gold medals at the state Science Olympiad tournament.
Over 150 elementary school students put their science knowledge to work while competing in the annual Science Olympiad on Saturday at Kinston High School. Dozens of teachers and volunteers helped make the competition a success.
A pair of South Lenoir students will take their biology knowledge into state competition next month after teaming up for a first-place award in the Region X Science Olympiad.
More than 700 middle and high school students from eight counties in the east competed in 46 different events at the 19th annual Science Olympiad at LCC.