It's been scientifically proven that Bucklesberry corn is more addictive than any narcotic or aerosol cheese product on the market.
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It's been scientifically proven that Bucklesberry corn is more addictive than any narcotic or aerosol cheese product on the market.
TD#1's biggest hurdle upon reentry will be having to slither out of bed at 6 a.m., whereas over the past two weeks she's been an unconscious, drooling piece of furniture till around 8:30 a.m. A couple of times I instructed TD#2 to poke her with a yardstick to make sure she was still breathing.
If as a parent you do a half-decent job guiding your offspring through the valley of chills, nausea and crust, they will return the favor when the germ brigade decides to hold a pledge drive in your nasal cavity.