All tagged time

Reece Gardner: Everyday is a gift

Today I want to talk about TIME, which is a very interesting thing. We can't stop it, slow it down, turn it off, or even adjust it, and we certainly can't bring it back. Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is uncertain. We may look ahead to a full year's block of time, but we really have no guarantee that we will experience any of it.

Reece Gardner: The passage of time

Today I want to talk about the passage of time and how we handle it. Life is NOT about how far we can go, how high we can jump, or how much weight we carry. Life IS about family, friendships, experiences, and memories. We all suffer heartbreaks over such things as losing a loved one or seeing a child suffer, but broken hearts can give us strength, understanding and compassion toward ourselves and others, and help us to appreciate life's peaceful moments.