All tagged veteran's day

Parrott kids paint poppies for vets

First grade art students at Parrott Academy recently painted vivid impressionistic poppies for Veteran’s Day. Art teacher Samantha Rouse helped her students explore the significance of the red poppy as an emblem of sacrifice from the poem “Flanders Field” by John McCrae.

Reece Gardner: The Election is Over. Or is it?

Every legal vote should be counted but that, according to many investigative agencies, just did not occur in this election. We must stop this from ever happening again. One observer probably had it right when he said, as millions of ballots were being sent out without regard to authenticity, "The fix is in." If we deny ourselves the right to free and fair elections, we will be headed in the direction of many third-world countries whose people are governed by a handful of despots who govern by force without regard to the will of the people.

How being ‘BFBs’ led to a high school diploma

Several years ago, Bruce Williamson met Harry Osborne at Southwood Christian Church. As their friendship deepened, they discovered they have a number of interests in common. Perhaps the most important interest they shared is fishing. Instead of becoming BFF, these two became BFB – Best Fishing Buddies.