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Making connections at the La Grange Public Library

Breakfast , Lunch and Dinner. For many, these meals are things we take for granted and do not worry about, but for 41 million Americans food insecurity is a problem. According to the USDA, 87.5 percent of US households suffered from food insecurity in 2021; that total includes 5.1 million children. Due to COVID, job layoffs, and the state of the economy, that number is increasing.

John Hood: Economic Freedom is a shock absorber

In a normal market, creditors demand higher interest from borrowers to whom they lend money for longer periods of time. That’s because these creditors are assuming more risk that they won’t be paid, and because a dollar of interest received tomorrow is usually more valuable than a dollar of interest received years from now.

Mike Parker: Sunrise, sunset, and Thanksgiving traditions

Thanksgiving is a generational holiday in our family. When Sandra and I first married, we spent Thanksgiving Day at her mother’s house. Her mom, Rebie Dawson, was an old-fashioned farm cook. When Rebie fed us, we were fed. A typical Thanksgiving spread was turkey and dressing, ham, creamed potatoes, corn, lima beans, field fields, string beans, collard greens, and homemade biscuits.

John Hood: Carolina Leaders Should Heed Cicero

North Carolina has an official state bird (the Northern Cardinal), an official state reptile (the Eastern Box Turtle), an official state insect (the honeybee), an official state mammal (the Gray Squirrel), an official saltwater fish (the Channel Bass), an official freshwater fish (the Southern Appalachian Brook Trout), an official state marsupial (the Virginia Opossum, which seems awfully unpatriotic), and two official state amphibians, the Pine Barrens Treefrog and the Marbled Salamander.