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Mike Parker: An overlooked part of Black History

One of the most overlooked parts of Black History revolves around the service that many runaway slaves provided to the Union forces – especially those at New Bern. When New Bern fell to the Burnside Expedition in March of 1862, few locals today realize that from March 1862 until March 1865, New Bern served as a Union base and stronghold.

John Hood: Cooper Should Sign Riot Bill

Why did the North Carolina House vote overwhelmingly a few days ago to toughen penalties for those engaged in violent rioting? I’ll let Rep. Abe Jones of Wake County sum it up: “I despise somebody who would go out and tear up another person’s property that they didn’t pay for and take advantage of a situation — sometimes a very good protest — and then flip it.”

John Hood: Deaths of Despair Need Careful Analysis

According to the latest-available set of comparable data, North Carolina ranks 33rd in the nation in “deaths of despair” — that is, in the combined rates of suicides, fatal drug overdoses, and alcohol-induced deaths. In 2020 our age-adjusted rate was 55.5 deaths of despair per 100,000 residents, slightly higher than the national average of 54.8. From 2018 to 2020, our rate rose by 26%. 

Meet Me Greene County: Melanie Morgan

Neuse News is beginning a series to introduce Greene County readers to some of the influential, interesting, and decision-making leaders of our community. Consider this “Meet Me Greene County” column a look into what makes Greene County the special place it is to live, work, and play. This installment features someone who impacts our entire region: Lenoir, Jones and Greene Counties. Let me introduce you to Melanie Morgan, the Director of the Neuse Regional Library System.