Public Notice: Upset Bid Notice for Teachers Memorial School

Pursuant to G.S. 115C-518 and 160A-269, the Lenoir County Board of Education hereby gives notice that it has received an offer to purchase the Teacher’s Memorial School property owned by the Lenoir County Board of Education. The property’s street address is 500 Marcella Drive, Kinston, NC 28501. The offer to purchase is in the amount of One Hundred Two Thousand Dollars ($102,000.00). Notice is hereby given that prior to August 17, 2023, at 4:00 PM, any person may raise the bid by not less than ten percent (10%) of the first one thousand dollars ($1,000) and five percent (5%) of the remainder ($101,000).  Therefore, the lowest acceptable upset bid is One Hundred Seven Thousand One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($107,150.00).

Public Notice: Upset Bid Notice for Teachers Memorial School

Pursuant to G.S. 115C-518 and 160A-269, the Lenoir County Board of Education hereby gives notice that it has received an offer to purchase the Teacher’s Memorial School property owned by the Lenoir County Board of Education. The property’s street address is 500 Marcella Drive, Kinston, NC 28501. The offer to purchase is in the amount of One Hundred Two Thousand Dollars ($102,000.00). Notice is hereby given that prior to August 17, 2023, at 4:00 PM, any person may raise the bid by not less than ten percent (10%) of the first one thousand dollars ($1,000) and five percent (5%) of the remainder ($101,000).  Therefore, the lowest acceptable upset bid is One Hundred Seven Thousand One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($107,150.00).

Kinston Police Department urges citizens to keep ATVs off city streets for safety

The Kinston Police Department has issued a stern advisory to residents regarding the operation of unregistered all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and off-road motorcycles on city streets. The department has observed a concerning increase in the use of these vehicles in inappropriate settings, which not only endangers the operators but also poses a significant threat to bystanders and other motorists.

Perry Report: Voter ID Forms, Budget Update, & More

As summer winds down, students are going back to school and legislators are getting back to business by overriding more of the Governor's vetoes and finishing up with the State Budget process. Over the last few weeks, we've been working behind-the-scenes to negotiate and build consensus with our colleagues in the NC House — and we are very close to a final product (more information follows below).

Meet Me Greene County ... Anya Mattingly

Neuse News is continuing our series to introduce Greene County readers to some of the influential, interesting, and decision-making leaders of our community. Consider this “Meet Me Greene County” column a look into what makes Greene County the special place it is to live, work and play. This week we are featuring one of the newest Principals in Greene County Schools, Anya Mattingly, Principal of West Greene Elementary.