Multiple churches join forces to serve La Grange
Photo by Jon Dawson / Neuse News
For three days in July, a group of La Grange area churches will join forces to serve their community and foster positive race relations. They are referring to this event as Change4LaGrange.
Downtown La Grange, NC. Jon Dawson / Neuse News
"Change4LaGrange begins on July 9th and will run through July 11th," said Pastor John Wiggins of La Grange First Missionary Baptist Church. "One facet of the three-day event is Vacation Bible School, which will take place each day at the La Grange Community Park from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Additionally, work groups will meet at the park for a light breakfast before heading out to various job sites in the downtown area, including Frink Middle School and La Grange Elementary.
A time of fellowship, music, and a message will be given from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday.
"John Wiggins and Rev. Ravon Ravenell of The Presence Church had been talking about an event like this for a while," said Nancy Sauls of Institute United Methodist Church. "The idea was to involve as many young people and churches as possible. It's open for kids from kindergarten age up to 12th grade. The kindergarteners through third graders will be involved in Bible school, while the older children will participate in various work projects such as landscaping or painting that will improve and beautify downtown La Grange and surrounding areas."
Wiggins, 54, was born in Kinston, raised in Snow Hill and spent 10 years in Connecticut before moving back to Snow Hill. Before joining the ministry, Wiggins spent 30 years in law enforcement, splitting his time between the Goldsboro Police Department and the North Carolina Justice Academy, where he was an instructor.
"My call to ministry took place several years ago and a big part of that call was to address the needs of our youth and help improve race relations," Wiggins said. "I contacted Rev. Ravon Ravenell of The Presence Church, Rev. Josh Hobgood of La Grange First Missionary Baptist Church, Charmaine Morgan-Sutton of the La Grange NAACP, Niki Sasser of the La Grange Christian Church, Mike Jenkins of the Lenoir-Greene Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Nancy Sauls who represents the Institute and La Grange United Methodist Church, and Tyrone Morgan of the La Grange Chamber of Commerce. All of these people felt the need to help put this event and ministry team together to improve our community."
As of this writing, nine churches along with members of the NAACP are participating in Change4LaGrange. The event is sponsored by Rouse Funeral Home, Food Lion, Ken's Grill, Big Daddy's Grill, Big Blue and the La Grange Chamber of Commerce.
"I think this is a major step in the right direction," said Tyrone Morgan of The Presence Church. "To have churches of different ethnic backgrounds working towards a common goal makes for a better La Grange. If we don't care about the town, who will? We all have kids that live and go to school here, so let's leave them something they can be proud of."
If you'd like to participate or donate to Change4LaGrange, contact Pastor John Wiggins at 252-775-0953.