Kinston: Nine things to know about 2018-19 City of Kinston budget
Kinston City Manager Tony Sears looks over the 2018-19 budget at City Hall last week. Photo by Bryan Hanks / Neuse News
By Bryan Hanks
After being presented to citizens on June 4 by City Manager Tony Sears, the City of Kinston budget for 2018-19 was passed unanimously by City Council, 5-0, on June 18. The budget for the upcoming year is $116,922,775. It took effect July 1.
Sears said that while the budget “does not have any frills,” he said it toes the line for citizens of Kinston.
“(This budget) was conscious and mindful of what government costs our citizens,” he said.
Sears said City Council and himself are extremely empathetic of what downtown business owners have gone through with the $3 million of improvements to Queen Street but that relief is definitely in sight.
“Twenty-four months from now, Kinston and downtown Kinston is going to have a totally different feel from the public-private investments that are slated to happen,” Sears said. “It’s been tough the past 18 months or so to get to that benefit. … But 24 months from now, we’re going to be significantly better off than we are now.”
Click below to see a video of Sears discussing one of the strengths of the new budget.
1. The property tax remained at $0.70 per $100 valuation.
2. The general fund balance appropriation was $674,052.
3. Street paving was funded at $180,000.
4. The recreation request for capital outlay was reduced from $1,466,000 to $50,800.
5. Sewer fees will increase 10 percent.
6. Environmental service fees will increase 15 percent.
7. Capital purchases totaling $914,000 included a dump truck for the water department, two new commercial garbage trucks and a bucket truck for Electric Operations.
8. Demolition funded at $50,000.
9. General fund capital reserve transfer funded at $1,674,224.