Greene County Commissioners put exercise room, membership fees for Wellness Center on hold
Mike Anderson, right, speaks with the Greene County Board of Commissioners on Monday evening. Anderson, Director of the Greene County Parks and Recreation Department, and a member of the county’s Recreation Advisory Board. Photo by Rudy Coggins/NeuseNews
SNOW HILL - The Greene County Board of Commissioners unanimously agreed to accept new batting cage rates, but continues to search for the "sweet spot" concerning fees for the exercise room and family memberships at the newly-constructed Wellness Center.
The initial proposed rates were $30 for the exercise room, $40 monthly for unlimited access to county residents and $55 monthly for non-county residents.
Mike Anderson, Director of the Greene County Parks and Recreation Department, said the county's Recreation Advisory Board set those initial costs to help generate a semi-steady cash flow to pay staff. The revenue is also needed to keep equipment in operating condition.
The Commissioners peppered Anderson with numerous questions regarding rules to follow while in the center, adult supervision, use of the batting cages by individuals and recreation teams, the basketball court and exercise room.
Exercise room and membership fees led to a lively and lengthy discussion. The workout room currently has three treadmills, an elliptical machine and an exercise bike.
Commissioner Susan Blizzard commended Anderson on adding new programs to help grow the facility.
"We want this facility to be used and not abused," she said. "I would like to see the exercise room and membership kinks worked out because you've got to have a card. Specifically, what does that membership give them?
"There are still a lot of areas with these two questions that need to be addressed. Setting guidelines at this point is more crucial than membership fees."
Commissioner Antonio Blow said that when the county began applying for the wellness center, residents would not be charged a membership. He echoed a previous sentiment from Blizzard, who mentioned the county's high obesity rate and the importance of establishing a healthy community through the center's use.
Greene County has a senior center workout room, which is free of charge to persons 60 and older. Residents must attend an orientation and sign a waiver. Blow added that other workout facilities in surrounding counties charge lower rates.
Anderson agreed with the Commissioners' assessment, but said, "If we don't go with the monthly fee, that's fine. We'll probably have to set some hours [for facility use]."
Commissioner Jerry Jones eventually made a motion to keep the RAB's current fee schedule and said it could always be tweaked at a later time. Commissioner James T. Shackleford seconded Jones' motion.
Blow said if the motion passed, it would "create some unrest."
Commissioner Chairman Bennie Heath said he was okay with the membership, but added that the exercise room should be available to county employees as a perk.
Blow requested that the RAB provide a written itemization of the fees.
"We're talking about serving an entire county," he said. "I think before we take on something like this, we need to work through the kinks. My recommendation is to give it a six- to 12-month period and then we revisit it to see how things are, and make a decision from there.
"If we trust time, it will pan out."
The Commissioners continued to offer opinions and ask questions. Blizzard requested a break and upon her return, a motion to amend Jones' motion was passed 3-2 with Jones and Shackleford as "nay" votes. The fees are on hold for six months.
The RAB set up a rental plan where travel-ball teams receive a $25 discount off the original $150 fee if they agree to a three-month commitment. Anderson said they can acquire 90-minute blocks twice a week to use the cage.
"It's equal to normal practice time," Anderson said.
Commissioner Jerry Jones asked if the teams must sign a liability form. Anderson said that the teams would receive walk-throughs about how to properly use the cages during their sessions, and sign it.
The Board unanimously approved the proposal.