Reece Gardner: Make your voices heard

Reece Gardner: Make your voices heard

I have an uplifting example of kindness and concern that I want to share with you in a moment, but first a report on the campaign underway for The N.C. Court of appeals.  This Court reviews cases first decided in Superior and District Courts.  Currently, 15 judges are on this Court, and they serve eight-year terms.  Five seats are being contested this year, and it is SO important that we make our voices heard. 

Looking over the roster of candidates, it is obvious that we have some of the most  qualified candidates ever.  Here is the list:  Seat 4:  April C. Wood (R), District Court Judge, vs Tricia Shields(D) Attorney; Seat 5, Lora Cubbage((D), Superior Court Judge, vs Fred Gore(R),  District Court Judge; Seat 6, Chris Dillon(R), Currently on the N.C. Court of Appeals, vs Gary Styers(D), Attorney; Seat 7, Reuben Young(D) currently on the N.C. Court of Appeals, vs Jeff Carpenter(R), Superior Court Judge;  Seat 13, Jefferson Griffin(R), District Court Judge, vs Chris Brook(D), currently on the N.C. Court of Appeals.  As you know, Early Voting will continue through Saturday, with Election Day falling on Tuesday, November 3.  There are many very important contests to be decided this year.  Let's make our voices heard!

Now for the kindness and concern example, shared with us by Christian Leader David C. Cook:  Nanette Thorson-Snipe's day began on a sour note when she caught her six year old, Jonathan, wrestling with a limb of her  azalea bush.  By the time she got outside, he had broken it.  "Can I take this to school today?" he asked. 

With an angry wave of her hand, Nanette sent him off.  She turned her back so he wouldn't see her tears.  She loved that azalea bush and now there was a gaping hole in it.  That afternoon she went to pick up her son from school.  When she reached his classroom, she saw the teacher hand Jonathan crayons and a sheet of paper. 

"I want to talk with you about Jonathan," the teacher said.  "Did you know Jonathan brought flowers to school today?" Nanette nodded. "Let me tell you about yesterday," the teacher insisted.  "See that little girl?" Nanette looked to see a bright-eyed child happily laughing and pointing to a picture on the wall.  "Yesterday she was almost hysterical.  Her mother and father are going through a nasty divorce. 

She told me she wished she could die. I watched that little girl cry and say, 'Nobody loves me.'"   "I thought you wanted to talk with me about Jonathan."  "I do. 

Today your son walked straight over to that child.  I watched him hand her a pretty pink flower and whisper, 'I love you.'"  Nanette felt her heart swell as she smiled at the teacher.  "Thank you," she said.  "You have made my day."


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