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Kristy Kelly: Overwhelmed with gratitude

If I could have any superpower, what would it be? This question was asked during a recent video project I worked on. Without hesitation, or much thought, I said invisibility. I’ve spent a lifetime perfecting the art of blending in—being seen but not noticed. True invisibility held a deep appeal.

Lesley Rigsby: Just be still

Have you ever had someone say, “just be still”? I don’t know about you, but being still is something that is very difficult for me. We live in the day and age where we are always on the go. We juggle work, school, church, dance lessons, ball games, children, spouses and the list go on and on

Evelyn Dove-Coleman: Early Times Were Different

Each time I sit in my car, I immediately lock the door. I have seen too many news accounts of car jackings where someone was waiting nearby for a person to unlock their car door and get in. Also, each time I leave my home, I peek out first before I step out. I am always mindful of safety.

Kristy Kelly: Adult children are the worst

There is nothing worse, as a mother, than when your grown child presents you with a problem that your experience could easily resolve, only to refuse any semblance of advice or parental wisdom. The amount of time you get to prepare your children for life is far briefer than you ever expect.

Evelyn Dove-Coleman: The Invisible Cord

Once upon a time, the telephone at our home hung on the hallway wall. It had a long, coiled cord attached so the receiver would reach to my room. I would rush home from school and finish my homework so I could call Jean Chapman to discuss all that had happened that day at Savannah High School, particularly on the playground.

Ev Dove-Coleman: Temporary Bumpiness

There are new strips going across the road on one of my neighborhood streets. There was no warning that they were coming. They just appeared one day without any public notice or explanation. They make a lot of noise when driven over and they create a bumpy ride for a few feet