Lesley Rigsby: Just be still

Lesley Rigsby: Just be still

Have you ever had someone say, “just be still”? I don’t know about you, but being still is something that is very difficult for me. We live in the day and age where we are always on the go. We juggle work, school, church, dance lessons, ball games, children, spouses and the list go on and on. Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the “to do list”? Do you ever wish you had less things to do? Far too often in the busyness of life we lose focus on what is most important. We get so caught up in juggling all the things in life that we think we must do, that we miss out on what is right in front of us. We don’t take the time to just be still. We add more and more to ourselves until we become overwhelmed, and things become out of control.

 Psalms 46:10 – tells us. “Be still and know that I am God”. This scripture is telling us no matter what is happening around us that God is our refuge and strength. He promised to be with us and asked us to be still and listen.

 Recently I heard I young man speak about a conversation he had with an elderly gentleman. The elderly gentleman said, “Son don’t work your life away because one day you are going to wish you had those days back”. Think about that statement for a minute. When you really think about that, do you understand what he is saying?  He is trying to warn this young man of the dangers of being too busy. He is saying “do not let the things you think you have to do pull you away from those most important to you”. Life is short so cherish every minute.

When is the last time you took a moment to just sit and be still before the Lord. Just as you long for those you love to take time for you, He longs for you to take time with Him. He wants to help you focus on the things that are important. He wants to show you that you are not alone.  Have you allowed the busyness of life to cause you to lose focus? Are you working your life away and missing out on time with those you love. If you are struggling to find a balance in your life maybe it is time to “just be still”. It is in the stillness that we can hear more clearly and know when God is speaking to us. When He speaks and we listen, He can then change our perspective on what is most important in life. So today I encourage you to take the time to” be still and know that He is God” He holds you in the palm of His hand and wants the very best for you today, tomorrow, and forever.

 May you always remember you are special. You are loved, and you are not alone.

Lesley Rigsby, RN

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