LCPS chooses Plan B beginning with at least 9 weeks of remote learning
The Lenoir County Public School board voted on a hybrid option of Governor Cooper’s Plan B guidelines to reopening public school.
“The issue of opening schools is one of the most intense issues across our state and throughout the United States as we continue to grapple with the pandemic,” said Superintendent Brent Williams.
Based on feedback from surveys offered to parents as well as staff, the recommended plan presented to the board divided the students into two groups, Cohort A and Cohort B. In the staff-recommended plan, on Monday and Tuesdays, the students in Cohort A will attend face to face instruction, while Cohort B will remain at home for remote instruction. On Wednesday, both groups Cohort A and B will learn remotely to allow deep cleaning of the facilities. On Thursday and Friday Cohort B will attend face to face instruction while Cohort B will learn remotely.
Another part of the recommended plan was for all students to learn remotely for at least the first four weeks of school. Face to face instruction under Option B guidelines will begin on September 14th.
In order to utilize the fully remote learning opportunity under Option B, every family must fill out a Family Decision Form. Parents may choose to have their students work remotely from home five days a week. (Students must commit to at least one full nine weeks marking period at a time). A link to the Family Decision Form will be posted to district websites and LCPS social media on July 28th. The form will be due by August 3rd.
The board discussed how to handle students who refused to wear face masks as well as exceptions for health waivers.
W.D. Anderson made a motion for, “I move that Lenoir County Public Schools start the 2020/21 school year under Plan B - Transition, with the first 9 weeks virtual instruction. In-person instruction to begin with grades Pre-K through 2 and students with special needs in the second nine weeks, pending a two week decline in COVID cases and a 5% or less positive testing rate for 14 days prior to the first day of in-person instruction, as reported by the Department of Public Instruction for Lenoir County.” The motion was seconded by Elijah Woods.
The motion is longer than is recommended by the State of North Carolina and would ensure 3-5 and middle school would remain virtual learning for the 2nd nine weeks.
Keith King, the board chair said, "I don't agree with a nine week delay."
The motion passed with board members Hill, Smith, Anderson, and Woods approving the motion. Members King, Davis and Bogan voted no.
Read previous: Lenoir County Board of Education to review plan to reopen schools in meeting July 27
LCPS Recommended Option B for reopening schools
LCPS Recommended Option B for reopening schools