Annual Ironclad 1/2 Marathon and 5k will be a virtual race
The annual Ironclad 1/2 Marathon and 5K on October 17th, 2020 will be a virtual race.
The virtual Half Marathon and virtual 5K are events that can be ran (or walked) from any location chosen by the participant. The race packet for this virtual run includes a shirt and finisher’s medal.
Ironclad Race’s decision to offer a virtual aspect to the race allowed them to meet their mission of being able to raise money for local nonprofits, particularly when the need is great.
“We have had registration open since November 2019. The number of registered runners were higher than the previous year, and showing continued growth with our event,” said Amy Albritton with Ironclad Races.
In previous years, the race was a single loop starting outside Grainger Baseball Stadium through downtown Kinston, past the CSS Neuse II Ironclad through North Kinston and finished on the first baseline inside the baseball stadium after rounding home-plate.
Ironclad Races sign
“This year will be much different compared to other years since we won’t be filling the course with people setting out to meet their personal goals and challenges. Hotels that were booked solid last year will not be full, and our running friends will not be here in mass numbers to fill our restaurants, and support our local businesses,” said Albritton.
Included with the registration mailed to participants is a shirt with a logo, a finisher medal, a printable race bib, race results in a searchable format.
While the official date of the race is October 17th, Ironclad Races encourages participants to complete the race whenever it fits best into their lives as long as it’s completed by November 1st.
“Runners will select their own course, trail, treadmill. Runners will be given a link to Race Joy that allows runners to use their cell phones and it records their time and distance, or they submit information from their running watches,” said Albritton.
The decision to move the race to a virtual format allows participants to maintain social distancing. Interested participants can sign up online at Run Sign Up.
The deadline to register is October 10th.