Memories and Meditations with Dan Perry

Memories and Meditations with Dan Perry

Dan Perry decided to start a new career at 90 with the launch of Memories and Meditations, a 13-part series featured on Tacc-9. The launch of the television ministry follows a 60 year career in law, and a career as an author.

“The purpose of his TV series is to talk about some of the things I’ve learned in life along the way,” said Perry.

The television ministry will be on Tacc-9 Suddenlink Cable Chanel 9 and air on Sundays at 8:30 am and 7:30 pm, Tuesdays at 4:30 pm, Thursdays at 7:00 pm, and Saturdays at 9:00 am and 11:00 pm.

“New shows will air each Sunday and will be available the following Monday,” said Perry.

Perry was an attorney for Perry, Perry, and Perry, PA since 1958. He has written 26 books, starting with “More than I Deserve” which was published by Chapel Hill Press, Inc. His books also include a “Power Series”, which is available on Amazon.

Perry attributes his new career to God and believes that God has guided his hand in all the career paths he’s taken. Perry isn’t an author for financial gain, he gives the majority of books away because the Lord pressed upon him to provide the information for free.

“The lord has blessed me enough to provide and pay for them, which I have done and am thankful to be able to do it,” said Perry.

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