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Reece Gardner: We influence and are influenced by others

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All of us are influenced by the actions of others, and that influence can be positive or negative. It was sad this week to see the tragic end of the life of a 13-year-old boy slain on the streets of Chicago at three o'clock in the morning while in the company of a 21-year-old criminal.

Most of us have a difficult time understanding how a scenario like this could unfold but, sadly, we realize that this type of occurrence in today's world is not nearly as unusual as it once was. That is why it is so important that we conduct ourselves in a manner that will have a positive impact on those who observe us, especially the young, as illustrated in this letter that a 24-year-old lady wrote to her mother recalling examples her mother set for her during her childhood years: "When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you hang my first picture on the refrigerator, and I immediately wanted to paint another; When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you feed the birds in the winter, and I learned that it was good to be kind to animals; When you thought I wasn't looking,

I saw you make my favorite cake, just for me, and I learned that little things mean a lot. When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you make a meal and take it to a friend who was sick, and I learned that we need to care for others. When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw tears come to your eyes, and I learned that sometimes things hurt, but it's okay to cry; When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you hold the door open for others and heard 'thank you' and 'you're welcome', and I learned how important it is to have respect for others; When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw that you cared and I wanted to be the very best that I could be; When you thought I wasn't looking, I learned most of life's lessons that I needed to know to be a good and productive person; When you thought I wasn't looking, I looked at you, and wanted to say THANK YOU for all the things I saw when you thought I wasn't looking." So we do influence - and are influenced by - others. Let's strive to make that influence POSITIVE.

Now to close on a humorous note: An elderly lady had just returned to her home from an evening of church services when she was startled by an intruder. She caught the man in the act of robbing her home of its values and yelled, "Stop! Acts 2:38!" (Repent and be baptized, in the name of Jesus). The burglar stopped in his tracks, breathing hard. the woman then calmly called the police and explained what had happened. As the officer cuffed the man to take him in, he asked the burglar, "Why did you just stand there? All the lady did was yell a scripture to you." "Scripture?", replied the man, "She said she had an ax and two 38's!"

Have a WONDROUS day!

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