All tagged life

Reece Gardner: Count your blessings

I hope your Labor Day Weekend has been wonderful in every way, and that you are looking forward to a great upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas Season. How time flies We need to LIVE each day as fully and completely as possible and count our blessings.

Reece Gardner: Miracle on Highway 109

The horrific race car accident that recently occurred in which the driver's car crashed into a wall, exploded, and engulfed the car in flames, and from which there seemed no chance for survival, showed that Miracles still do happen as the driver emerged from this laming inferno largely unharmed.

Reece Gardner: Live each day to the fullest

The violence occurring in various parts of our country, particularly in places like Chicago, New York, San Francisco and other locations, with horrific frequency, remind us of how important it is to live each day to the fullest, and to be aware of how precious the gift of life on this earth is and how it could suddenly and unexpectedly come to an end. In any event, our life here is very brief and we are constantly aware of how fast time flies.

Reece Gardner: Do you have any regrets?

Do you have any regrets? Are they about something you did, or about something someone did to you? Most of the presentations on this subject that I have heard in my Dale Carnegie Classes over the years, as I have mentioned previously, have come from people who felt they they had been the cause of another's hurt.

Reece Gardner: Stand by friends when the going gets tough

All of us at times struggle with negative emotions, things we find difficult to understand. But we can better handle these negatives in this New Year of 2022 if we recognize that inspiration can come from them. For example, most of us are bothered by the way so many of our law enforcement people in various parts of our country are being treated today, from being humiliated and denied service at restaurants to being ambushed, wounded, and murdered.

Reece Gardner: Count your blessings

With Thanksgiving Day coming up next week we would all benefit by recognizing the many blessings that come our way and by being thankful for those blessings. For example, just this past week I had the good fortune of being included in the festivities surrounding the celebration of the birthday of my two identical grandsons, Patrick Robert Nix and Davis

Reece Gardner: Everyday is a gift

Today I want to talk about TIME, which is a very interesting thing. We can't stop it, slow it down, turn it off, or even adjust it, and we certainly can't bring it back. Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is uncertain. We may look ahead to a full year's block of time, but we really have no guarantee that we will experience any of it.