Long-term shelter manager at Friends of the Homeless Emergency Shelter to retire

Long-term shelter manager at Friends of the Homeless Emergency Shelter to retire

The Friends of the Homeless Emergency Shelter announced the retirement of their long-time shelter manager, Kinston native Jasper Newborn. His dedication and service to the shelter will be missed.

“In working with Jasper, I found he was dedicated, professional, and loyal to all tasks set before him,” said Alice Tingle, former city council member.

Newborn has worked with The Friends of the Homeless for over thirty years. The Vietnam veteran returned to Kinston in the 90s.

“Jasper is a classic example of giving his life for the benefit of our most vulnerable citizens,” said President Danny Rice, Friends of the Homeless, Inc.

Newborn will miss the guests of the shelter and many of the supporters who helped over the years.

“He cared for all the residents staying there and willingly put in all the extra hours for the shelter to run effectively and smoothly,” said Tingle.

Newborn plans to relax, travel, visit with his grandkids, and see some sporting events while sharing with all the joy of salvation.

“I’m going fishing,” said Newborn.

He’s grateful for the opportunity to serve his community.

“I salute my board, staff, and long-time associate James Wilkins,” said Newborn.

One of Newborn’s most memorable experiences involved a challenging guest who arrived at the shelter after the guest had been banned. It was during that altercation that the guest pointed out that Newborn was wearing a WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) t-shirt.

“It was then I received a new focus on my life and job description, yes you Mr.Jasper with your pictures all over the place remember you are just a doorkeeper, open the door man,” said Newborn. “That’s all you’re here for, can you do that? How different could our lives be if we would approach each moment with What Would Jesus Do?”

“Jasper is the anchor that has made our shelter so successful,” said Tingle. “He is respected by the residents, Board, and community.”

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